(followup to Digital Music Stand)
The Kindle 2 has an 800x600 4-bit electronic paper screen, good enough (just) for reading music from a couple of feet away. After a few tweaks, my pipeline produces appropriately-sized 4-bit PNGs. Amazon provides a free email service to convert them to the Kindle proprietary format format, provided that you transfer them from a computer via USB.
Click on the images for higher resolution:
The difference in lighting isn't this extreme—the Kindle relies on ambient light, and this photo was taken late on a dim day. But the size comparison indicates that it's perhaps not the perfect gig solution.
And definitely not a great solution if you have fast page turns!
Digital Editions are online versions of print publications or sometimes they are simply publications developed specifically to be viewed in a digital format. With print and postage rates climbing and an increasing audience of readers looking for their content on the Internet, digital editions are quickly Becoming a must-have for publishers.
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